Project Details / 项目资讯

Description / 描述

The Multi-Scale Texture Index is proposed to be a representation of texture as a function of scale, and is related to the variogram, but with the added advantage of being a direct measure of local texture over a specified kernel. The derived texture attributes were found to be useful in developing a locally adaptive texture measure, which uses different texture attributes for different locations in the image. The three images shown are the original remote sensing image, the first-order-attribute (minimum texture) image, and the first-order-attribute (maximum texture) image (from left to right respectively).

多尺度纹理指数是一个作为以尺度为本的功能的纹理代表指数。 它与变差函数有关,但具有直接测量指定核上的局部纹理的额外优势。 它的纹理属性能跟着图片局部性的纹理特征进行自动调整以导出有用的纹理指数,并且在测量图像的不同位置使用不同的纹理属性。 这里显示的三张图像分别是原始的遥感图像、一阶属性(最小纹理)图像和一阶属性(最大纹理)图像(从左到右)。


[1] Warner, T. A., & Lee, J. Y. (2011). Spatial context-dependent multi-scale and directional image texture. International journal of remote sensing, 32(17), 4787-4806.