Thomas Wang Wei Hong


I am a

About Me / 自我介绍

AI/ML Software Engineer (人工智能/机器学习软件工程师)

  • City: Singapore, Singapore
  • Nationality: Singapore Citizen
  • Highest Education: Master of Science
  • Hobbies: 🚴 / 🏃 / 🥾 / 📚 / 💻 / 🎮
  • 城市: 新加坡, 新加坡
  • 国籍: 新加坡公民
  • 最高学历: 硕士
  • 爱好: 🚴 / 🏃 / 🥾 / 📚 / 💻 / 🎮

I am Thomas Wang Wei Hong, a dedicated software engineer with a penchant for pushing boundaries and exploring the unknown. I have been developing proof-of-concept software, and engaged in Research and Development (R&D) work in the field of data science and machine learning, particularly in computer vision.

I have completed the Master of Science in Data Science and Machine Learning (MSc in DSML) programme at the National University of Singapore, where I have further solidify my knowledge in the realm of data science, which will open up avenues of innovation and research that I am eager to explore.

You can find me blazing down the off-road tracks of Chestnut Nature Park on my old but trusty mountain bike, or battling the heat and conquering the trails of MacRitchie Reservoir Park.

我是王惟弘,一名致力于探索未知的人工智能/机器学习软件工程师。我热衷于开发应用软件,并在数据科学于机器学习领域从事研究和开发(R&D)工作,尤其在计算机视觉领域。 我获得了新加坡国立大学数据科学与机器学习的硕士学位(MSc in DSML),并已进一步巩固我在数据科学领域的知识。 这将为我打开一条我很期待探索的创新和研究的新途径。 你可以在策士纳自然公园的越野轨道上一睹我骑着那旧而可靠的山地自行车飞驰的英姿,或是在炎热的天气下征服麦里芝蓄水池的丛林小路。

Resume / 简历

Professional Experience / 专业经验

AI/ML Software Engineer / 人工智能-机器学习软件工程师

2020 - 2023

  Occutrack Medical Solutions Pte Ltd

LaunchPad @ One-North, Singapore / 纬壹, 新加坡

  • Development of eye monitoring software from scratch through to Proof-of-Concept (POC) phase for demonstration to stakeholders and investors
  • Development of web-based eye monitoring software as telemedicine service to capture a larger share of the market
  • Design and implementation of algorithm for eye test component of web-based eye monitoring software to expand suite of services available for consumers
  • R&D of POC webcam-based eye gaze estimation system which reduces the estimated product cost by approximately 80%
  • R&D of POC face recognition system as online authentication protocol for web-based eye monitoring software to improve user experience and save on third-party related costs
  • R&D of POC Presentation Attack Detection system to augment face recognition system

  • 从零开始开发眼球监测软件,直至概念验证阶段以便于为相关利益者或投资者做示范
  • 开发了以远程医疗服务为基础的网络版眼球监测软件以开拓更大的市场
  • 设计并实现网络版眼球监测软件眼睛测试部分的算法,以扩展为消费者提供的服务套件
  • 研发了实验性摄像头影像的眼球追踪加屏幕凝视点估计系统,从而把预计的产品成本降低约百分之八十
  • 研发了实验性面部识别系统以为网络版眼球监测软件提供更安全的在线身份验证以改善用户体验并节省第三方相关成本
  • 研发了实验性演示攻击检测系统以巩固面部识别系统的安全性

Geospatial Applications Engineer / 地理空间应用工程师

2018 - 2020

   Twenty First Century Aerospace Technology (Asia) Pte. Ltd

The Galen, Science Park II, Singapore / 科学园第二区, 新加坡

  • R&D in the field of remote sensing to boost the company's competitivity / 遥感领域研发项目以提升公司的竞争力
    • Detection of new built-up areas in a particular region over time using very high-resolution optical satellite images
    • Semantic segmentation of buildings from very high-resolution optical satellite images

    • 运用超高分辨率的光学卫星图像以在指定区域内检测新的建筑群
    • 从超高分辨率的光学卫星图像提取建筑物

Education / 学历

Master of Science in Data Science and Machine Learning / 数据科学与机器学习硕士

2022 - 2024

  National University of Singapore, Singapore / 新加坡国立大学, 新加坡

Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental Engineering) with Honours (Highest Distinction) / 工程学士(环境工程)荣誉学位(最高荣誉)

2013 - 2017

  National University of Singapore, Singapore / 新加坡国立大学, 新加坡

Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level / 新加坡-剑桥普通教育证书高级水平

2009 - 2010

  Nanyang Junior College, Singapore / 南洋初级学院, 新加坡

Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level / 新加坡-剑桥普通教育证书普通水平

2005 - 2008

  Orchid Park Secondary School, Singapore / 兰景中学, 新加坡

Primary School Leaving Examination Certificate / 小学毕业考试证书

1999 - 2004

  Peiying Primary School, Singapore / 培英小学, 新加坡

Skills / 技能

Projects / 项目

This section here is a showcase of my projects (work and non-work-related) which I have worked on since 2018. They might not be the most impressive or groundbreaking, but they do help me build up knowledge of what is out there, and what is possible. Do keep a look-out as this section would be updated frequently.

这个栏目展示了我自 2018 年以来参与的项目(工作和非工作相关)。它们可能不是最令人印象深刻或革命性的,但它们确实帮助我积累了对现有技术的了解,也让我理解什么是可能的。 这栏目会时常更新,所以敬请关注。

  • All / 全部
  • Work / 工作
  • Personal / 个人
  • Competition / 挑战